The registration for all our four 2025 races is open: Sign up
The U9 and U11 categories will compete in an exciting duathlon: obstacle course and race.
First, our youngest participants will start the day by completing the obstacle course before the exciting cross-country races take place, culminating in the award ceremony to conclude the day.
Part 1: Kids Parcours Exercises
The parcours contains 10 different stations. The order of the stations varies from race to race. The course must be completed in one piece from the first to the last station. The children are allowed to descend between the individual stations when moving on to the next station. Descending while absolving a station is considered a mistake and no points are awarded. There are stations with additional rules.
Each station has three different difficulty levels: white = easy / red = medium / black = difficult
Standing exercise
4s stance exercise for soft (U9), 8s stance exercise for cross (U11)
The front wheel must be on the circle as soon as the countdown starts, only after the signal tone you are allowed to leave the circle while riding, descending is only allowed outside the post.
Overcoming an obstacle
Track lane hollow section
For Soft (U9) and Cross (U11), the black obstacle does not have the same direction of travel. The direction of travel is indicated on the obstacle. For the Cross (U11) competition, the obstacle is turned 180 degrees.
Raised track
Pick up – put down
The ball must be picked up while driving and put down while driving, the ball must remain in the stand.
Slalom driving
The bottles must be passed on the designated side; if a bottle falls over, no points are awarded.
Limbo bars
The bar must not fall down, the bike must not be modified.
Bunny Hop
Jump over the obstacles without touching, at the white line only the front wheel has to jump over the sticks to get a point.
Drop, Jump
The rear wheel must touch the ground before the front wheel.
Scoring & Rules
The scoring of the parcours is as follows:
1 point for correct riding on the white line
2 points for correct riding on the red line
3 points for the correct riding of the black line
The aim is to achieve as many points as possible in the parcours. With 10 stations, the maximum number of points is 30.
General Rules:
the obstacle must be driven over completely
the colour of the line can be chosen by the rider
only one line per station may be ridden
only one attempt counts
the entire post must be completed on the bike, descending or holding during the station will be counted as a mistake and no points will be awarded
do not touch or ride over the side markings, otherwise no points will be awarded for this obstacle
the numbering of the posts is only for explanation and is meant for the parents, it has nothing to do with the order
Part 2: Cross Country Race
To conclude, the U9 and U11 categories will compete in a short cross-country race. The race duration is aimed at approximately 4-8 minutes for U9 and 6-12 minutes for U11. The winner is the one who has accumulated the fewest ranking points in both events.
Swiss Cycling Velopass and Pro Velo
The Cycling Collecting Book!
The Velopass is a product of Pro Velo and Swiss Cycling for children aged approximately 6 to 12 years. It is a program designed to introduce children to various aspects of cycling, help them enjoy cycling, and navigate safely through everyday life. Children will learn the basics of cycling, become familiar with traffic-related aspects, and acquire skills for off-road cycling.
The two lions, Isa and Leo, guide the children through the different levels. An emblem can be earned for each stage within a level. The learning objectives become more challenging as they progress from stage to stage.
Learning to Cycle Playfully at the BIKE REVOLUTION
The learning objectives of the Velopass can also be tested with the BIKE REVOLUTION Kids Course.
At each stop of the BIKE REVOLUTION, children have the opportunity to check or improve their level in the Velopass. In addition to the race and the points earned on the course, the achieved Velopass level will also be evaluated, and children will receive badges for their Velopass.
How can I participate?
It’s easy to sign up via the link below and bring your Velopass with you.
Don’t have a Velopass yet? Any child without a Velopass will receive one as a one-time gift upon participation.
The Velopass will be collected before the start and returned after completing the Kids Course. The children will receive the corresponding badges for the level they’ve reached in their Velopass.
The Velopass can also be used for bike training or cycling courses, allowing kids to collect additional badges.
Next events:
2. - 4. May 2025, Engelberg
16. - 18. May 2025, Huttwil
13. - 15. June 2025, Gruyère
27. - 29. June 2025, Davos