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Preview Engelberg
Die ÖKK BIKE REVOLUTION läutet vom vom 31. Mai bis 2. Juni die Saisoneröffnung der Bike-Destination Engelberg-Titlis ein: Zum zweiten Mal ist Engelberg Austragungsort der grössten Schweizer Mountainbike Rennserie. Die ÖKK BIKE REVOLUTION verbindet als Mountainbike Festival die Elemente Spitzensport, Nachwuchsförderung und Mountainbike Erlebnis für Hobbysportler.
Olympia-Trio in Engelberg am Start
Anfang Woche gab der Schweizer Verband die mit Spannung erwartete Selektionen im Mountainbike-Sport für die Olympischen Spiele in Paris bekannt. Mit Nino Schurter, Mathias Flückiger und der Innerschweizerin Alessandra Keller fahren drei der vier Nominierten bei der ÖKK BIKE REVOLUTION in Engelberg mit.
World champion Nino Schurter's home race
The race in Chur is the home race of Nino Schurter (37). The 10-time World Champion and 2016 Olympic Champion lives just five minutes away from the start and finish area in Chur's old town. Schurter is not that close to the World Cup in Lenzerheide. In Chur, Schurter was actively involved in the planning and construction of the cross-country course. And of course, a particularly large number of Schurter fans are expected in Chur. The Nino Schurter Fan Club, for example, will take part in the popular Gusto Rides the day before.
Insgesamt sind Sportler aus 17 Nationen in Engelberg am Start. Sie kämpfen um wertvolle Weltranglisten-Punkte sowie das höchste Preisgeld, welches im Mountainbike Sport ausbezahlt wird (28'000 Franken). Die Rennen der Elite Männer und Elite Frauen werden zudem live auf Redbull TV und BlueTV übertragen.
World champion Nino Schurter's home race
The race in Chur is the home race of Nino Schurter (37). The 10-time World Champion and 2016 Olympic Champion lives just five minutes away from the start and finish area in Chur's old town. Schurter is not that close to the World Cup in Lenzerheide. In Chur, Schurter was actively involved in the planning and construction of the cross-country course. And of course, a particularly large number of Schurter fans are expected in Chur. The Nino Schurter Fan Club, for example, will take part in the popular Gusto Rides the day before.
Field of participants like at a World Cup
The start list in Chur reads like that of a World Cup race. In the women's race, the Swiss Alessandra Keller (world no. 1), Jolanda Neff (Olympic champion) and Sina Frei (silver at the 2021 Olympic Games) will be up against Laura Stigger (AUT, world no. 11), Kate Courtney (USA, world champion 2018) or Evie Richards (GBR, world champion 2021). The men's starting list is also spectacular. With Nino Schurter, Titouan Carod (FRA), Martin Vidaurre (CHI), Vlad Dascalu (ROM) and Jordan Sarrou (FRA), there are five from the top 10. Well-known names like Mathias Flückiger or Christopher Blevins (USA) impressively round off the starting field. Until the start on 7 May, more top cracks are likely to appear on the start list in Chur.
New series, second season
The ÖKK BIKE REVOLUTION was launched by Ralph Näf (former mountain bike world, European and Swiss champion, today team manager of the Thömus maxon team), René Walker (among others OC president of the Mountain Bike and Trial European Championships 2013 Bern), Lorenz Luginbühl (owner of GFC Sports Management AG) and Nino Schurter (10-time world champion) 2022. The new Swiss series focuses on innovation, organisation and the promotion and development of the sport. This year, five races are on the international calendar, two of them in the highest category "Hors Category" (Chur and Huttwil). In addition to a high prize money of 160,000 Swiss francs (more than in the World Cup), high investments were made in the production of live broadcasts and venue dressing, among other things.